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Thursday, April 16, 2009

AT&T Uverse Job


So I just got back from the metra station. I am so happy I pasted the test. I can not believe how many people did not pass the test. I want to thank GOD and everyone who prayed for me. She said someone will contact me for a oral interview (Customer Service Assessment) within the next 2 weeks. Either by Phone or Face-2-Face. So I could start within the next 2-3 weeks. So pray for me again so I get in. If your interested here is my log of what happened.

5:00: Woke up. (5 more minutes mommy)
5:15: Alarm went off. (WAKEY WAKEY)
5:15-5:45: Get dressed, Eat and put shoes on.
5:55: At calumet metra station.
6:06: Train arrived.
6:08: Train is full. I'm cramped.
6:30: Talking to guy sitting next to me (He works at Banna Republic).
6:45: Arrived at millennium station. (Guy showed me a quicker exit out of station. Exit will come in handy next time.)
7:07: Arrived at AT&T Staffing Center (Doors locked)

7:11: Woman arrived and let me in. First one here.
7:30: 4 other people arrived.
7:45: 3 people dismissed from test because they had technical training.
7:55: They keep promising we will start the test soon but people keep showing up.
8:05: Count 18 people waiting to take test.
8:30: Entering test room.
8:40: Test Started. (50 minute test.)
9:00: 50% Done.
9:20: 99% Done. Confused with 4 questions.
9:25: Figured them out. 100% Done.
9:27: Woman came back and said test was over.
9:30: Older guy is upset, the lady will not let him fix a answer he printed on wrong line. (Guy has Bad Eyes.)
9:35: We sat down back down in waiting room, waiting for test results.
9:45: Lady came out and called several people and dismissed them. (12 people)
9:47: (18 - 12 = 6) Passed. I PASSED!!!
9:50: I am told I will get call for a over the phone and face-2-face oral interview within now to 2 weeks to 30 days (WHAT?).
10:05: Walked into Quiznos to try a torpedo sandwich. (Did not know it had mustard on it. The woman could of asked. Bummer man.)
10:20: Walked into metra station next train leaving at 10:30 to Homewood.
10:30: Train Left. Ticket: $4.30 one way.
10:45: Arrived in Homewood.
10:47: Never got anyone to pick me up. Walking home. (It's my fault. Walking good for me.)
11:15: Finally got called from home. Half way home. Never mind picking me up.
11:40: Got home. Tired!!!

I think passing the test gives me 85% chance of getting hired. SWEET!

Round Trip Metra Ticket: $8.60, Food: $6.20, Walking home: Excise, Possibly Finally getting a new job: Priceless.

I can not believe only 6 out of 18 people passed. I must be smart.
I pray I get hired soon. I only have about three weeks of money left.
2 months training in Hoffman Estates after I get hired. $13.08/hour pay. Raise every 6 months.

P.S. Did you notice the test was over 3 minutes to soon? Glad I was done.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Special Announcement

I am so happy. Yesterday I got an e-mail stating I was selected to go in and test for the job I applied for at AT&T Uverse..........YAH!!!. I am scheduled for Thursday, April 16th at 8am (Early). They say I should be prepared to be there for 2 hours. I most likely will be taking the metra electric to the testing facility. I am so excited I don't know if I should be nervous or excited... I'm required take a Technical/Mechanical Test II (Click link for sample test) at the facility. Looking at the test I think it will be easy but they might surprise me with something complex. DON'T KNOW.


I don't find out that if it dose not work out there is a job fair next week (April 21st).

The position was for Danville, Illinois but hopefully after training I can transfer to a garage closer to me. If not I will need to get a studio apartment in danville, I found one for around $500/month with a swimming pool.

Again I am very excited. I will be quite disapointed if I don't get it. But I guess I will accept it since there might be a better oppertunity. I believe I learned my lesson since the last dream job I had. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Update 2.3

So it is time for my promised April 09 Update. Well as I said in my last post referring to the hotel we stayed at we never got a hold of the owner ever again and probably never will. Bummer. (Oh well I guess I can do without)

So, I finally got a application into AT&T the guy I know said he would contact someone in Human Resources to try to get me in. Oh, That reminds me my family finally got AT&T Uverse installed. We love it so far much better HD then Comcast. You would not believe how may people are switching to AT&T Uverse in our area. We have seen several AT&T Installer trucks in our area. My dad went and returned our Comcast box to Comcast and he said when he got there and everyone there was returning their box. (The people in front and behind him.) TAKE THAT COMCAST. Comcast is finally getting a kick in their monopaly of Pay TV service to chicago. We have 4 TV's and got 4 HD boxes for them all even though only two are LCD 720p TV's. The HD is really wonderful nice picture even though our HD TV's are only 720p. CRAZY NICE PICTURE. AND AND FREE ANIME ON DEMAND... COOOOLLL. I watched an Anime called "Azumanga Daioh". Awesome. It is now one of my favorite Anime. (GETTING BACK ON TOPIC) AT&T requires you to use a 2Wire Gateway. Bummer I use a Netscreen Router. So my VPN dose not work. This 2Wire uses a new peotocol VDSL (G.993.1) to connect to the internet and the old ADSL Modem I used dose not work. BUMMER. I today received a Linksys PAP2T by UPS so now I can talk to people in Japan for much cheaper then using any American Phone Line. SWEET.

So anyways the Guy I know ended up visiting our house to check up on why his installer was taking 9 hours to install our service. (He was working on it from 8:40am to 5:40pm to install.) And he saw me and said "Joel, Right?" I almost forgot what he looked like. He told me that the only position available was in Danville. 2 1/2 hours away not fun but I can get a apartment for about $500 a month in Danville. Hey, I am so desperate I will take anything.
Also I started my own social website called mymiuchi. Invite every one please join and experience me new site. http://mymiuchi.com

Not a big deal but I found out someone who is a cousin to me though my gramma lives in Japan. COOL. I will contact him sometime.