I'm two and half days away from half point but as far as class room training goes I'm over half way though my 4 weeks of class room training. Next week is ride along then I come back for 2 days of voip and 2 days of inside wiring. Then one more week of ride along. Our new instructor is awesome and the most interesting thing is he is Japanese. But he dose not know very much about his origin because he was adopted at a young age. Like expected he can't make out the difference between Japanese, Chinese and Korean even since hes Japanese.
As per the screenshot above this week is all about the internal portion of U-verse. We have to learn how to customize the AT&T Yahoo! Homepage for the customer and teach the customer how to use the remote and TV. This is our last Pass/Fail test and then we are official employees. In a few months we will have to come back and take a advanced trouble shooting class which sounds fun and not. This week is super boring today I watched nothing but 6 hours of TV. The purpose of this part of the training is for the non-Uverse subscribing employees but this dose me no good since I have U-verse. My instructor said to bring in a DVD and that still was not long enough.
My parents will be home tonight after 9pm and I have few things to do. Well, I have chicken in the frying pan let me attend to it and post tomorrow. HERE IS TO MY FUTURE!!!
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