So I just got back from the metra station. I am so happy I pasted the test. I can not believe how many people did not pass the test. I want to thank GOD and everyone who prayed for me. She said someone will contact me for a oral interview (Customer Service Assessment) within the next 2 weeks. Either by Phone or Face-2-Face. So I could start within the next 2-3 weeks. So pray for me again so I get in. If your interested here is my log of what happened.
5:00: Woke up. (5 more minutes mommy)
5:15: Alarm went off. (WAKEY WAKEY)
5:15-5:45: Get dressed, Eat and put shoes on.
5:55: At calumet metra station.
6:06: Train arrived.
6:08: Train is full. I'm cramped.
6:30: Talking to guy sitting next to me (He works at Banna Republic).
6:45: Arrived at millennium station. (Guy showed me a quicker exit out of station. Exit will come in handy next time.)
7:07: Arrived at AT&T Staffing Center (Doors locked)

7:11: Woman arrived and let me in. First one here.
7:30: 4 other people arrived.
7:45: 3 people dismissed from test because they had technical training.
7:55: They keep promising we will start the test soon but people keep showing up.
8:05: Count 18 people waiting to take test.
8:30: Entering test room.
8:40: Test Started. (50 minute test.)
9:00: 50% Done.
9:20: 99% Done. Confused with 4 questions.
9:25: Figured them out. 100% Done.
9:27: Woman came back and said test was over.
9:30: Older guy is upset, the lady will not let him fix a answer he printed on wrong line. (Guy has Bad Eyes.)
9:35: We sat down back down in waiting room, waiting for test results.
9:45: Lady came out and called several people and dismissed them. (12 people)
9:47: (18 - 12 = 6) Passed. I PASSED!!!
9:50: I am told I will get call for a over the phone and face-2-face oral interview within now to 2 weeks to 30 days (WHAT?).
10:05: Walked into Quiznos to try a torpedo sandwich. (Did not know it had mustard on it. The woman could of asked. Bummer man.)
10:20: Walked into metra station next train leaving at 10:30 to Homewood.
10:30: Train Left. Ticket: $4.30 one way.
10:45: Arrived in Homewood.
10:47: Never got anyone to pick me up. Walking home. (It's my fault. Walking good for me.)
11:15: Finally got called from home. Half way home. Never mind picking me up.
11:40: Got home. Tired!!!
I think passing the test gives me 85% chance of getting hired. SWEET!
Round Trip Metra Ticket: $8.60, Food: $6.20, Walking home: Excise, Possibly Finally getting a new job: Priceless.
I can not believe only 6 out of 18 people passed. I must be smart.
I pray I get hired soon. I only have about three weeks of money left.
2 months training in Hoffman Estates after I get hired. $13.08/hour pay. Raise every 6 months.
P.S. Did you notice the test was over 3 minutes to soon? Glad I was done.