Well today it's official I received my passport. I have taken the first big step to going to Japan.
Last Sunday (8/3/08) I found out from Jacob Davis at my church that someone named Josh Topper (A long time friend of mine.) is in Florida working with YWAM. I was amazed because I no idea. I have been trying to call him all week. Hopeful I get a hold of him soon.
My friend Luke recommended a book to me called "In a pit with a lion on a snowy day" by Mark Batterson. It's based on a verus in the Bible about Davids Strongest Soldier who chased a lion into a pit and jump head first after it. It teaches to jump head first into Hugh Opportunity and trust GOD will carry you though. For me that would be raising $10,000.00 for DTS.
Not that I believe in Fortune Cookies but today to went to a Chinese restaurant and my fortune cookie said "Your problem will be better next month". I'm not sure if this should be good news or bad news...
Monday at about 8pm we had huge summer storm. We lost power for almost 2 days. Half of Hazel Crest, Homewood and Lansing lost power. Here is some of the Pictures of the damage to our power poles. (Sorry for the quality. Was using my cell phone.)